Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Sometimes I have dreams that completely crush me. 

Sometimes I wake up thinking that a dream I just had would make an excellent film or novel plot, launching a super successful career and awesome life for myself. Then I can't remember anything more about the dream than the specific decor of the protagonist's bedroom and I spend the entire day mourning my screenplay/manuscript/successful career that will now never be.

Sometimes I wake up after a nightmare and I'm disturbed by it for the rest of the day, and I dwell over whether something in the nightmare could ever actually happen. This is how recurring nightmares start, I know that, yet I dwell anyway.

Sometimes I wake up from a wonderful and extremely vivid dream and I am crushed by the fact that it wasn't reality. Then I go back to sleep and try to go back to where I left off, but it's never as awesome because now I'm aware that it's just a dream. I am left feeling unfulfilled for the rest of the day.

And I won't even discuss my anxiety dreams... usually work related, usually an exaggeration of a real life situation, and also extremely vivid.

Instead of sleeping can I just watch films from my childhood all night? The Neverending Story, The Little Mermaid, Labyrinth, All Dogs Go To Heaven, The Land Before Time, Little Monsters, The Nightmare Before Christmas... I know they're not real, I know there's a happy ending, and they're inspirational! They will remind me about the importance of: self esteem and imagination, loving yourself for who you are, family and the awesomeness that is David Bowie, being a good person (or dog), adventure and friendship, something about monsters, don't fuck with Christmas. No sleep, just movies. I think I'll try that out...

Actually, on second thought, no. No.... noo no no no. No. If I fall asleep at the wrong point in any of those movies I'll have even more messed up dreams! I can see it now, it would look like this...

Artax sinks into the swamp of darkness, then I cry uncontrollably forever.

If I ever need to scream or yell in a dream, I always lose my voice. So if Ursula takes my voice, I will clearly get murdered or something next.

I get groped and dropped. "She said down?? She said down!!!"

I have to run away from these dudes because they're trying to take off my head.

The junk lady roots through my all my stuff (which I actually DO have nightmares about).

I help Charlie and Itchy win bets...

..but then find out Charlie is using me...

...and never trust again.

I get chased by Sharptooth.

Just about anything from Little Monsters could happen at this point, because that movie is actually quite scary (what were my parents thinking!?!)

And finally, I save Christmas, because, let's be honest, The Nightmare Before Christmas isn't very scary and is completely awesome, therefore dreams about it would be just pure awesomeness. 

 The end.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday the 13th I'm in Love

Don't be scared...

Spooky Woods

This one scares me silly. My heart literally sank when I saw it. EEEEEIK!!
Not black cats... but spooky nonetheless

and a wolf howls


Anyone else think we need two Halloweens every year? Just me?

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Friday I'm in Love

Happy weekend!

I'm a little late on my "Friday" post... but I'm still awake so it's still Friday to me! I was struggling to think of a topic for today's post, but it came to me this afternoon while I was developing a headache in the library at the Brooklin Community Centre as a seniors drum circle did their thing across the hall. Nothing against seniors, drums, circles, or the combination of any of those things, but I'm not enjoying the addition of the fourth element: library. I LOVE libraries. My frustration today got me thinking about libraries and what I love about them. I don't like that this library doesn't have a quiet study area or study rooms, because between drum circles and children it's pretty noisy here. But I have an iPod, I study better with music, and every once in awhile the drumming oddly synced up with my music, so it was fine. Despite our little tiff today, I still very much love libraries, so here's my celebration of these wonderful book shrines/learning castles:

Carnegie Library, c.1915
Circa 1915. This building is now a law office. Jim Flaherty's law office, to be exact.
Whitby Library After A Rain
This is the new Whitby Public Library main branch, and I LOVE it.

I can't find any pictures online of the building that acted as the main branch from the 70s- early 2000s. That building is where I fell in love with libraries. It was unabashedly 70s, and awesome. The new building was necessary, but I wish I could find some pictures of the old building, which was torn down to build the new building.

This is Mills Memorial Library at McMaster University on a snow day. It's the humanities and social sciences library on campus, so I spent a lot of my undergrad time here. I always loved the unique style of the building, and I have fond memories of script writing and procrastinating within its walls.

Mills and the Museum at night.
This is from inside the Health Sciences Library at McMaster University. I studied for many exams  in that room. It was great for winter exams, but this window taunted me with nice weather during April exams.
The Boston Public Library, the first municipal library in the U.S, and the first library to loan out books to the public! 
I have no idea where this is, I found it on Tumblr, but it's beyond awesome. My future house will have a room with floor to ceiling bookshelves on every wall, and one of those sliding library ladders. I hope it looks something like this:
Post-apocalyptic heaven
The Parliamentary Library in Ottawa.
Elephant visits library
A visitor at the Edinburgh Public Library in Scotland.

Have I just reached a new level of nerddom? Oh well, I can't fight it anymore!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day I'm in ♥

Happy Earth Day!!!

We're having a federal election in Canada right now, and advanced polls opened today. So I'm going to celebrate Earth Day by taking a walk down to my advanced poll station! If you don't know where to go to vote in the advanced polls, or on election day, find out here: It also lists the candidates in your riding so you can check them out. Oh, and I'm also going to a Blue Jay's game tonight in Toronto with some friends I haven't seen in WAAAY too long!!! Nothing Earthy there, but lots of love :)

Here are some Earthy links and pictures I love for Earth Day, enjoy!

This is from a post on GOOD called DIY Urban Design, From Yarn Bombing to Guerrilla Gardening. It's about people reclaiming public spaces and shaping their appearance and use. It's really amazing what some communities have done, from building benches for pedestrians to brightening up a neighbourhood with plants or art, as well as converting an old phone booth (that no longer has a phone in it) to a book booth and creating bike lanes. I want to live in this house!!'s Earth Day roundup of cool things to do today!

eco coffee cup cutiegadget 300x300 Eco Friendly Recycled Coffee Cup
Starbucks is celebrating Earth Day by offering free drinks to customers in Canada and the US who bring in a reusable cup! I will most definitely partake in this offer :)


Colleen _2101-w



Green Heart (And the Green Grass Grows All Around, All Around)
The blog Offbeat Home has featured a list of 12 ways to green your home. I'm going to take up suggestion 11. I'd love to know which ones have you already done, and which ones you want to do- comment below!

Finally, here is David's Suzuki's Earth Day message. Let every day be Earth Day! 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday I'm in Love

I don't care if Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care about you
It's Friday I'm in love

I'm SO excited for plants to come back to life soon, especially cherry blossom trees!

bookshelf spectrum, revisited
This is my ideal living room, everything about it is perfect! Although, nothing at all against pugs, but my cat Penny Lane will be on the couch. Or the husky I have not yet adopted. I need more colourful books!

MAP365 283 PB275166 November 27, 2010
 summer sun-showers.

MAP365 296 PC085316 December 08, 2010

Tattoo swallow
I'm thinking about getting a magpie tattoo on my calf, and I can't decide whether I want to go old school cartoon style or...

Magpie Tattoo 2
...more realistic. I love both styles!

Very cool!

This is from one of my favourite blogs, Colour Me Katie

And lastly, there is something about abandoned sites that fascinates me. A few months ago I stumbled upon 8 Abandoned Theme Parks Abroad “Open” for Exploration, and 8 Abandoned American Theme Parks “Open” for Exploration. Visiting at least one of these sites has been added to my bucket list. There's an abandoned park in Berlin not very far away from where I stayed on my trip!!! How did I not know that when I was there!?! If I ever go back to Berlin (I'm pretty sure I will, because it's awesome) I'm DEFINITELY going to Spreepark:

Too cool.

Happy weekend!