Then I stumbled upon the "Day Zero Project," a website where you can keep track of a list of 101 tasks you want to complete in 1001 days. Why 1001 days? Well, the website says:
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.
A list making tool for beating procrastination you say? Realistic deadlines!? Perfect!! So I signed up and started thinking of goals. Unfortunately, the site shut down from December 21st-February 4th, so I took an involuntary hiatus from working on my list. But I slowly added to it after the site came back online, and I finished on Thursday! Check it out: http://dayzeroproject.com/user/sharetheland
It was hard to think of goals at first, but once I really started getting into it last week it became very easy and fun. I tried to choose a variety of goals including: organization; education; fitness and nutrition; my hobbies, interests and skills; saving money; general productivity; doing good; and personal harmony.
True to my organizational nature I grouped the goals together by theme- which was rather time consuming. This is the only flaw I've found about the website, if you want to change the order of your goals you have to edit each specific goal and put in the number you want to change it to, you can't drag and drop. That and actually being able to separate the goals into themes would make the site perfect- to me, anyway.
Too bad "buy a really nice designer purse" isn't on my list! So far I've completed 4/101 goals, and I'm sure I'll add new "to do" goals beyond the 101 over the next 922 days that I have left. I think that this list is a good road map for how I want to live the next 922 days, and what I want my life to be like by August 22nd 2013, the day I am scheduled to finish the list. Wish me luck!
Also, let me know if you make a Day Zero list yourself! One of my goals is to influence someone to make one :)
I'll leave you with some photo inspiration...
It was hard to think of goals at first, but once I really started getting into it last week it became very easy and fun. I tried to choose a variety of goals including: organization; education; fitness and nutrition; my hobbies, interests and skills; saving money; general productivity; doing good; and personal harmony.
True to my organizational nature I grouped the goals together by theme- which was rather time consuming. This is the only flaw I've found about the website, if you want to change the order of your goals you have to edit each specific goal and put in the number you want to change it to, you can't drag and drop. That and actually being able to separate the goals into themes would make the site perfect- to me, anyway.
Too bad "buy a really nice designer purse" isn't on my list! So far I've completed 4/101 goals, and I'm sure I'll add new "to do" goals beyond the 101 over the next 922 days that I have left. I think that this list is a good road map for how I want to live the next 922 days, and what I want my life to be like by August 22nd 2013, the day I am scheduled to finish the list. Wish me luck!
Also, let me know if you make a Day Zero list yourself! One of my goals is to influence someone to make one :)
I'll leave you with some photo inspiration...
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